Tai Chi Kickboxing and self defence classes in camden

Kickboxing sessions with self defence in Camden Town

Mondays and Wednesdays

Classes wre very friendly, enjoyable and suitable for everyone, focussed on skill building.

We practice Tai Chi’s ’San Da’ Kickboxing + practical self defence: Dynamic striking & throws.

Tai Chi’s San Da kickboxing incorporates whole body striking, defence and evasion along with devastating throws, sweeps and takedowns, using whole body power and high leverage techniques. The emphasis is on using minimum force to get maximum effectiveness.

  • Punching techniques, like western boxing but with additional movements
  • kicking technique – low line mainly except for competition fighters
  • Knee, Elbow and Shoulder striking
  • Footwork training for better attack and defence
  • Evasion drills and tactics
  • Sweeps, trips and other low risk takedowns
  • Throws, lifts and high impact throws
  • Strength and conditioning for fighters

Choose your sessions

Teacher : Sifu Neil Rosiak Msc, trainer of national, international and world champions.

7-8pm Padwork Session 13

8-9pm Partner Skill Building Exercises 13

Both Classes Together 20

Monthly all inclusive 100

Booking In

Email 📧 Ne********@ma*.com

Telephone ☎️ or Whatsapp 0751 552 2950

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